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How to teach tennis to kids & juniors ?

5 min. reading
Published on 01/03/21

Learn tennis through 5 levels

To facilitate learning for young players, different courts of various colors (depending on the child's age and level) have been created. Discover them through exercise videos created with our experts. From racquet handling to the proper grip for each stroke, we have the advice you need.

The white court for children starting from 5 years old

This is the first court on which the child will do their tennis exercises. The white court is a small court so that the child can understand the first elements of tennis. It is 8 meters long and does not have a net but a line marking it on the ground. The exchanges are made with a white foam ball.

The purple court for children starting from 5 years old

The purple court, 11 meters long, introduces a small net with a larger court so the child can get used to the ball's bounce. The exchanges are made with a purple foam ball.

The red court for children starting from 6 years old

The court measures 12.8 meters long and has a net up to 0.80 meters high. The children play with red balls.

The orange court for children starting from 7 years old

The court measures 18 meters with a net up to 0.80 meters high, and the exchanges are made with orange balls.

The green court for children starting from 9 years old

The green court measures 24 meters long and has a traditional net. The game is played with intermediate balls. This is the last level before playing on a classic court starting from 11 years old.

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Content Image Tennis
4 min. reading
Published on 01/12/21