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How to improve your strength endurance ?

5 min. reading
Published on 28/03/2023

In this specific article, Hongyan and Julie explain how strength and endurance will enhance your ability to :
•    Play longer under pressure 
•    Keep precision during long rallies
•    Play many matches one after the other

Strength endurance should be the first thing to work on – it’s an in-depth work out, to be able to keep rallies going without feeling muscle pain, with quality and strength in the movements and strokes, especially towards the end of matches.

Why should you include strength endurance in your preparation ?

At any level, the ability to play on a constant level without being tired is often the key to success. No matter how good you are, how skillful or what a great tactician you are if you can’t finish the game because you are too tired, then it won’t work.

You can use the summer – and sometimes a bit of time away from the court, to work this specific area, in order to be fit for the start of the season. If you are injured and can’t play, this is also a good time to work on strength endurance.

How to bring efficiency with circuit training ?

You will have to work with light weights and keep exercises to 30 to 40% of your maximum strength, using a lot of repetitions while always keeping a good breathing during each exercise. The goal is to develop the capacity of the muscle to maintain a good average of strength during a certain amount of time. It is then important to work out during long sessions and many repetitions. This combination will also make your cardiac endurance grow – which is also good for badminton.

Exercises to work on your strength endurance: core work out, push-ups, squats, smash.

Squats :
Level 1 : just use the weight of your own body, but with long series and many repetitions. 3 series of 10 to 15 normal squats, then 5 to 10 squats with a small vertical jump. Then 5 to 8 squats forwards then backwards.

Level 2 : Ad extra weight to these exercises. Number of repetitions: 20 times 5 to 8 series of exercises depending on your level.

Lunges :
With your own body weight, or an extra light weight. 10 lunges for each leg, for 3 to 5 series.

Core work out :
Level 1 : Static core work out to learn the good position. Your back must be in a straight line, abdominal and buttocks muscles contracted.

For level 2 and 3, dynamic core work out: start from the basic position (on elbow or hands), then lift up one leg, then one arm, opposite side. Change sides. Lift one leg up, then the other.

5 series of 30 sec to 1 min depending on your level. (The most important here is the repetition).

Arms work out :

1. Work with elastic bands or small weights. Pronation and supination work to work on your biceps and forearm, in order to gain endurance strength to hit the shuttlecock. Use 2 weights of 2 to 3 kg or two bottles of 1 L. Smash for 4 to 6 series of 20 to 30 times.

With the elastic band : one end of the elastic band is attached to the floor, the other in your working hand. While holding the elastic do the Smash movement while trying to control the speed.

2. Flex your forearm with an elastic band or weight, 5 to 8 series of 10 to 20 repetitions.
3. Pull the elastic band horizontally: 5 to 8 series of 10 to 15 repetitions.
4. Pull the elastic band vertically (while standing up) of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Lower body :
Shadow exercises, either on the sand (beach) or with weights of 2,5 kgs attached to your ankles. Works both your cardio endurance and strength endurance. Push both legs at the same time. 3 to 5 series of 12 (level 1) 16 (level 2) 20 (level 3) shadow movements.

Rest 1 min after each of the following exercises. Try to keep variation in intensity, the pace, depending on your physical ability.

1. Big court (normal full court)
2. Smash at the net
3. Sidesteps
4. Interception jumps on both sides
5. Squat jumps, vertical and forward

Hongyan’s tip : Avoid to do these exercises or any strength endurance exercises before competitions– it’s best to work on explosivity before matches.

Julie’s tip : When you have good strength endurance, you will also realize that you will become stronger mentally – more aware and focused, even after having lost an easy point.

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